Watch Recognition from scratch

Machine Learning TensorFlow ResNet Web scraping SolidJs Rust

One project to rule them all - creating a watch brand recognizer from scratch.

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This project isn't done yet (or the writeup isn't done)! Updates are to come!

I started the write up on this over 7 months ago, but didn’t have the courage to finish.

What is this project about and how did it start?

In January 2023, I decided to try to make an ML model as I had never tried machine learning before. I had a new interest in watches, and decided to experiment with Tensorflow.

I wished to make a ML model that could identify a watch model for a picture of a watch face. This ambition led to me creating not 1 but 2 models (so far!), a web app, learn about image formats and OpenCV.

Aspects of the design (and what makes it the ultimate project)

I have no clue if I should write about this project in chronological or logical order, as these versions would not be equivalent. I’m going to probaly summarize the chronology and then divide everything up in a technical aspect.


Key takeaways

Web Scraping

I had never done web scraping before this project, however I can now say I’m really comfortable with it. I started with Seiko’s USA website, a tribute to my first watch.

This was a mistake, Seiko’s website is a mess. In fact, most of the watch maker websites are in shambles.

Image Validation

Image Tinder

This was a fun part of the project for about 5 minutes, when I discovered Signals.

Why did I have to make my own Tinder?

Scraping the images was easy, but you collect A LOT of garbage (useless images). The images from the Orient Bambino Version 2 below will demonstrate what I mean:

Orient Bambino Version 2 watch faceOrient Bambino Version 2 watch face slanted view
Orient Bambino Version 2 watch face slanted view zoomOrient Bambino Version 2 back

Orient Bambino Version 2 strap buckle

We would only want the 3 first images here.

The images above have all been losslessly compressed (in the native JPG/PNG forms) and then converted to .webp for the sake of this page, however the file names are unchanged (stripped the suffixes that auto-crop them for the site, such as ?v=1631228511&width=1000&height=1110&crop=center). Inspect element or look at the network request to see their names if you’re curious. Hopefully you see why I was unable to auto-filter erroneous images with 100% accuracy.

In this case, the naming is fairly straightforward, but this isn’t always the case. There was no good method to get rid of the rogue images #4 and #5. Let’s use ML and some manual labor then.

The idea was the follwing: Since I don’t download images until the file is run, I could just restructure my scraped url JSON files to have 3 arrays for each watch: wantedUrls, unwantedUrls and untreatedUrls. Here is a visualization:

  "watch_name": {
    "collection": "watch_collection",
    "wantedUrls": ["urls go here"],
    "unwantedUrls": ["urls go here"],
    "untreatedUrls": ["more urls go here"]

Due to this restrcuture, web scraping had to change: if the image URL was never seen before (meaning it is none of the arrays), it would be added to untreatedUrls. Here is an example of what a Nomos Glashütte Tangente watch being scraped for the first time would looks like :

  "125": {
    "collection": "tangente",
    "wantedUrls": [],
    "unwantedUrls": [],
    "untreatedUrls": [

Then, I would load the .json file, and sort the image manually, shifting the arrays around. Downloading the JSON, here is what I would obtain for this particular watch model:

  "125": {
    "collection": "tangente",
    "wantedUrls": [
    "unwantedUrls": [
    "untreatedUrls": [

Process of creation of Image Tinder

At the time, SolidJs was very new, so I decided to give it a try. I had enough of garbage Python documentation and Solid’s was promising.

After 30 minutes of trying to get ChatGPT to make me what I needed, I realized that it didn’t have the context or my prompting was bad. Anyway I wrote code.

Now, an issue that came about was accidentally leaving the page, therefore losing the “swiping” I had done. I could have done some wicked localStorage manipulation, or even spun up a supabase DB instance, but I did not. Here is how I solved my issue:

const alertUser = (e: any) => {
    e.returnValue = "";

onMount(() => {
    window.addEventListener("beforeunload", alertUser);

I count 8 lines of code. 8 lines that saved me hours of my precious time as an undergrad. Embrace fast, simple solutions, especially if they solve a problem only you will encounter once in your lifetime.

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