There is too much to read to justify social media

Reading well-written text should be a priority

There are so many, too many, interesting texts to read.

How can one not try to tackle all the books, articles, magazines (specialized), newspapers, textbooks, academic papers, and technical blogs?

(Not to mention fantastic youtube videos.)

How can I justify scrolling instagram? Twitter at least has some relevant content once you figure out who to follow. Reddit isn’t up to standards. I won’t even talk about Facebook. How do people not realize these are a waste of time? How did I not see these were a waste of time? (Of course some of these have benefits. You want to keep up with your friends? Obviously some of these are good options. I’m talking about useless, brain-rot content.)

Hackernews is a good way to find (sometimes) worthwhile computing-related content.

However, all these justify themselves less and less. I don’t care about your content being “raw”. I’m looking to learn from a well-written piece of text, that is organized, clear, and self-sustaining.


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